Ds-Cbreaker Clf1; (Ds-1S1-Clf)
Chromosome breakage Loss(due to Ds) of Clf1 in heterozygous kernel (loss of purple aleurone) and in F1 leaf; defective albino phenotype in sectors; distal pattern.
Ds-Cbreaker Clf1; (Ds-1S1-Clf)
original ear. Section of a fully colored M1 ear from the cross of Dek1/dek1 x Ac Dek1/- Dek1, Ds-10L2 R1-sc/Ds-10L2 R1-sc from an open-pollinated detasseled plot. Careful examination of the ear shows a single kernel (arrow) with many tiny to small colorless patches, indicating chimeral loss of Dek1 in the 3N dek1/dek1/Ac Dek1 endosperm, among fully normal colored sibling Ac Dek1 kernels. The embryo of this kernel was confirmed as Ac Dek1/- dek1 with an associated Ds breaker nearby.
Ds-Cbreaker Clf1; (Ds-1S1-Clf)
Selfed ear from the original Ac Ds-1S1 Clf1/- clf1 plant showing 3 to 1 segregation for intensely purple kernels, including many with small colorless spots,and for colorless floury partially collapsed clf1 kernels. The kernels with etched-like crevices on the surface are unexpected but they occur at a frequency that may be represented as a variant expression of this Ds system.