abnormal 10/Knob
Euchromatic appendage to chromosome 10 carrying a large heterochromatic knob; causes preferential transmission of chromosome and linked genes from heterozygote.

abnormal 10/Knob
Knobbed appendage to chromosome 10: Microphoto of pollen mother cell at pachytene showing chromosome 10 with the large K10 appendage (Rhoades 1952).

abnormal 10/Knob
Knobbed appendage to chromosome 10; preferential female transmission: backcross ears show preferential female transmission of the R1 alleles linked to the abnormal 10. Top ear from R1-K/r1-k, lower ear from R1-k/r1-K, females by r1-r1 male.
abnormal_10_knob.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:18 by chris.bottoms