seedling and emerging leaves greenish white developing chlorophyll along leaf veins,
MaizeGDB reference

Immature al1 plant showing emerging white leaves with green developing along midrib and faintly on leaf blade, like virescent but unique developmental pattern. Plants grow very well with minimum amount of chlorophyll and yellow carotenoid pigment.

alternative allele (al1-Brawn) showing a yellow pigment apparently due to allelic difference and/or genetic modifiers. Note flecks of green and strong anthocyanin pigments

al*-N143B albescent mutant plant showing dark green veins and lighter midveins on lower leaves and almost white emerging leaves with darker green veins.

First two leaves of seedling progeny from M2 origin ear. Left, crossbanded al*-N547B mutant seedling showing bleached white diurnal crossbands; reduced yellow leaf pigments. Middle, pale yellow l*-N547A mutant seedling showing slight tendency toward greening.

al*-N143B mature leaf of albescent mutant plant showing almost white midrib and adjacent midveins with progressively darker leaf borders.

Original dominant Alb*-N2624/+ heterozygous chimeric mutant seedling showing sectors of white, pale green and pale green striped tissue.

Progeny from the cross of original dominant Alb*-N2624/+ heterozygous chimeric mutant plant on Mo17, A632/W23 showing virescent type mutant seedling with pale green and white stripes on lower leaves.

An al*-N1225C mutant plant, showing broad white leaves with distinct green longitudinal sectors and smaller streaks especially near midrib and along veins.

First two leaves of an al*-N143B, M2 mutant seedling showing greenish white background with darker green streaks and tiny specks aligned along leaf veins, reduction of color persists and intensifies in midvein tissue to maturity.
albescent.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:18 by chris.bottoms