modifies purple aleurone and plant color to pale or reddish brown; no effect on pericarp color; anthers yellow-fluorescent under UV light.
MaizeGDB reference

kernel: A colored flint selfed ear segregating for brownish, pale "bronze" kernels; also showing linkage of bz1 with sh1 in coupling. Note a bronze non-shrunken and a purple shrunken crossover near tip of ear.

Kernel; bz2-m allele, Ds insertion: bz2-m/bz2-s ear crossed by homozygous bz2-s and Ac showing half-ear chimera of change of the bz2-m allele to a bz2-m allele with a different response the Ac.

plant; Ear husks of two B1 Pl1 sib plants showing purple color, Bz1 (left), and reddish brown bronze color, bz1bz1 (right)

tassel (UV light): Shedding tassels viewed under UV light, showing bright yellow fluorescence in anthers of mutant bronze plant on left (photo courtesy E. Patterson).
bronze.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms