collapsed colorless, normal colored navaho spot, defective kernel
collapsed colorless, normal colored navaho spot kernel, defective embryo

collapsed colorless, normal colored navaho spot, defective kernel
The original selfed colored purple aleurone ACRPr M1 ear from ethyl methanesulfonate pollen treatment, showing independent M2 segregation for collapsed kernel dek17-N330D, and pale aleurone anl1-N330C. Note some dek17 kernels have navajo type patches of normal tissue often around the silk attachment. Both mutants fail to germinate.

collapsed colorless, normal colored navaho spot, defective kernel
embryo: stained section of 16-day-old (dek17-N330D, cp*-N330D) mutant embryo showing abnormal development
collapsed_colorless_normal_colored_navaho_spot_defective_kernel.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms