defective crown
large floury defective crown, nonviable kernel
MaizeGDB reference

defective crown
Selfed colored colorless flinty f2 ear segregating for dcr*-N1364A, large opaque mutant kernels with collapsed defective crowns. Those with aleurone color genes have faint or diluted color.

defective crown
Selfed colorless flinty M2 ear segregating for, dcr*-N1084, mutant kernels showing collapsed floury crowns with a small "nj like" patch of nearly normal tissue around site of silk attachment. Also dark pigmentation in surface tissues over floury areas.

defective crown
Selfed colorless flinty Ch1(tan pericarp) /+, +/ dek23-1428 (dcr*-N1428 ); segregating for small defective crown mutant kernels showing enhanced brown pericarp (Ch1) on defective nonviable kernel; no leaf primordia. It should be pointed out that the pericarp which is maternal tissue is genetically uniform on all kernels but its phenotype appears to segregate because the mutant kernels are small and do not stretch the pericarp as thinly and therefore have a darker color than large normal kernels with a thinner layer; hence lighter chocolate color.
defective_crown.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms