Ds-Cbreaker A2; (A2 Ds-5S1 Bt1 Pr1)
frequent colorless shrunken and red sectors on the purple kernels from the cross of mutant heteroszygote on an a2 bt1 pr1 tester stock.

Ds-Cbreaker A2; (A2 Ds-5S1 Bt1 Pr1)
Selfed ear of an Ac/-, A2 Ds-5S1 Bt1 Pr1/a2 bt1 pr1 Pr1/a2 bt1 pr1, Ds-10L2 R1-sc/Ds-10L2 R1-sc plant, with 3:1 segregation for a2/bt1/pr1 showing appropriate linkage and crossover classes and segregating for Ac. The several colored and colorless mosaic nonbrittle kernels with large colorless sectors are the Ac/-/- A2 Ds-5S1 Bt/a2 bt/a2 bt endosperm class. The nearly complete absence of concurrent colorless brittle (A2 Bt1 losses) proves that these two genes are on opposite sides of the centromere.

Ds-Cbreaker A2; (A2 Ds-5S1 Bt1 Pr1)
Ear from the cross of a2 bt1 pr1/a2 bt1 pr1 x Ac/-, A2 Ds-5S1 Bt1 pr1/a2 bt1 pr1 with a 1:1 segregation for Ac and the chromosome-breaking with linked markers A2 and Bt1. The colored and colorless non-brittle mosaic kernels (A2 Ds-5S1/a2 bt/a2 bt) have large colorless sectors on more than one-half of the kernel surfaces. These have small islands of intensely colored tissue (recovery spots).

Ds-Cbreaker A2; (A2 Ds-5S1 Bt1 Pr1)
Ears placed together for comparison, showing typical expression of chromosome breakage of a proximal located Ds in the various combinations of Ac Ds and A2 in the 3N aleurone and endosperm.
ds_cbreaker_a2_a2_ds_5s1_bt1_pr1.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms