Short with broad leaves and short internodes and dark green color.
MaizeGDB reference

A short D*-N1452/+ heterozygous moderately dwarf mutant plant showing broad leaves, shortened internodes, and somewhat andromonoecious tassel

Short broad leaf, d*-N976B, mutant seedlings showing slightly distorted leaves with grainy green leaf color. More extreme than d1.

andromonoecious dwarf: F2 seedling progeny segregating for d*-N299B seedling mutant showing typical broad short erect leaves; also segregating for an additional new mutant; wl*-N299A, yellowish white seedlings

Progeny from cross of D*-N2520/+ x B73 showing heterozygous semidwarf mutant plant with shortened internodes and broad leaves.

A vigorous short D*-N1591/+ heterozygous mutant plant showing semidwarf growth habit, shortened internodes, and broad dark green leaves and other apparently andromonoecious characteristics. One third normal height. Homozygotes more extreme; like typical dwarf.

Immature D*-N1452/+ heterozygous mutant plant showing broad leaves, shortened internodes, and tillers

Progeny from cross of D*-N2516/+ on normal. Mutant plants are semi-dwarf having shortened internodes resulting in plants that are 3/4 normal height and have slightly broader than normal leaves.

A mature D10-N2428/+ heterozygous mutant plant, showing short internodes, tillers, narrow stiff dark green leaves, small ears, good tassel but only fair pollen shedding; tillers and flattened stalk like brachytic (br1).

A D*-N2023/+ heterozygous mutant plant and normal sib showing reduced stature and broad dark green leaves and high tillering growth habit.

Progeny from D*-SN2605/+ cross on B73 showing two short board leaf mutant plants and one normal. Note that one mutant is dark and other is lighter.

Typical recessive andromonoecious dwarf (d1) mutant plant on left showing: Internodes short; leaves short broad and erect and dark green; tassel short thick and slow to emerge. Anthers fail to emerge ever though filled with normal pollen. Ear is short and has fully formed male florets with anthers between female florets. (See an1 photo)

Dominant Short, compact, andromonoecious, D8/+ mutant plant; not responsive to gibberellins. Tends to produce tillers. See D*-SN2605 for anthers in ear.

Ear of D*-SN2605/+ heterozygous mutant ear showing poor seed set and anthers replacing female florets on the ear. (andromonoecious)

A small dark green short leaf d*-N2248A, dwarf mutant mutant seedling, like d1 but leaves shorter and more round.
dwarf.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms