floury dent, normal navajo spot
large floury dent navajo spot kernel with a defective embryo

floury dent, normal navajo spot
floury dent navajo spot defective kernel: Selfed colored mottled colorless(R1/r1) flinty M2 origin ear segregating for, fldntnj*-(dek33)-N1299, large floury dented mutant kernels. Mutant kernels have diminished anthocyanin expression and have a defective embryo that fails to germinate.

floury dent, normal navajo spot
floury dent navajo spot defective kernel: Selfed yellow flint ear segregating for fldntnj*-(dek33)-N1299, large floury variably collapsed mutant kernel

floury dent, normal navajo spot
floury dent navajo spot defective kernel: Selfed ear of a + + fldntnj*-(dek33)-N1299, + /a2 bt1 + pr heterozygous plant segregating for large floury dent dek33 kernels and also for linked (in repulsion) a2 (colorless aleurone), bt1 (brittle endosperm), and pr1 (red aleurone) kernels showing intricate phenotypic interaction between the 4 genes involved. Note colored plump "navajo" spot of apparently normal tissue around the site of the silk attachment on top of several of the dek33 kernels indicating the conditional nature of dek33's blockage of anthocyanin production in this case.

floury dent, normal navajo spot
floury dent nj defective kernel: double-pollinated ear of fldntnj*-(dek33)-N1299/+, (top) crossed by TB-5La showing floury hypoploid mutant kernels, indicating location on chromosome 5L; (bottom of ear), selfed pollen showing segregation for mutant kernels.
floury_dent_normal_navajo_spot.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms