variable longitudinal white stripes on leaves at all stages; boldest at margins and at base.

iojap striping: pale green iojap (ij1) plants showing occasional dark green sectors; Extreme expression under cool growing conditions. NOTE: surprising plant vigor; considering small amount of visible chlorophyll present, these plants should be tiny and weak. Light harvesting properties of nearly white leaves is still quite efficient as long as there are tiny sectors of normal green tissue.

An iojap, ij*-N1143C, mutant seedling (left) showing broad white longitudinal stripes on leaves. The smaller green stripes are often lighter because they are the expression of single layers of cell.

Two iojap, ij*-N1143C, mutant seedlings; one on left showing broad white stripes on leaf borders and the other is an almost white variant.

Photo of sr3-N504A, (ij*-N504A) iojap mutant seedlings from segregating F2 progeny, with normals removed, showing broad sectors of white tissue, especially on leaf blade

iojap striping: ij1 converged to K55 inbred, showing loss of margin tissue (narrow, midribs) and diminished plant (Coe photo)

iojap striping: Leaf of an ij1 mutant plant in Oh51A background showing characteristic green on white transposon sectoring. (Coe photo)

First 2 leaves of a white striped ij2-N8 F2 mutant seedling showing broad white stripes on margins with much narrower stripes in the mid-section and tiny green stripes in the white area. Also note light marginal stripes on the 1st leaf of the seedling inadvertently selected as normal suggesting that it may actually be heterozygous and that this mutant is semi-dominant.
iojap.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms