Lax Midrib
Semidwarf plant with broad flat midrib and droopy glossy leaves.
MaizeGDB reference

Lax Midrib
F2 progeny of Lxm*-N2530/+ sib cross, (left to right): heterozygote (-8) homozygote(-7), homozygote (-6), and normal (-5) . The typical homozygote (-7) is smaller with more extreme drooping leaves. (ph 92:51-5,-6,-7,-8)

Lax Midrib
A Lxm1-N1600/+ heterozygous mutant plant showing a wide flat flexible midrib resulting in limp drooping leaves.

Lax Midrib
A small homozygous Lxm1-N1600 mutant plant showing erratic development of the midrib and a tiny undeveloped tassel.
lax_midrib.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms