leaf bladeless
Leaves of germinating seedling are bladless mostly thread like; having difficulty breaking through pericarp and soil surface. Roots have abnormal branching pattern.

leaf bladeless
Typical ragged, lbl*-N766B mutant plant showing irregular occurance of bladeless leaves resulting from abnormal growing point and difficulties of emerging through pericarp and soil surface. See LgNl*-2528 Homozygote for similar phenotype.

leaf bladeless
Two ragged, lbl*-N766B F2, mutant seedlings (left) showing variations of expression, probably depending upon whether or not growing point emerged properly from kernel pericarp or soil surface. Note irregular placement and branching of roots on seedling on left. Compare with lbl mutants.
leaf_bladeless.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms