Lesion mimic17-2345
Profuse tiny chlorotic and necrotic lesion causing plant to appear palegreen; frequent normal transposon recovery sectors

Lesion mimic17-2345
Lesion Mimic; transposon recovery: Section of the eighth leaf of a Les17-N2345/+ mutant plant showing so many lesions that the leaf has a yellow-green appearance. Also note an apparent revertant sector of normal green tissue and a few lighter green spots.

Lesion mimic17-2345
Lesion mimic; clustering: Leaf of Les17-2345/+ heterozygous mutant plant, Mo20W background, showing many small chlorotic and necrotic lesions; some arranged in large clusters

Lesion mimic17-2345
Lesion mimic: Eighth leaf of Les17-2345/+ heterozygous mutant plant, Mo20/W23 background, showing profuse chlorotic and necrotic lesions, especially in midvein tissue, coalescing to form a light-colored leaf
lesion_mimic17_2345.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:20 by chris.bottoms