Lesion mimic2
Small round white necrotic lesions; resembles "hypersensitive resistance" symptoms to fungal disease.

Lesion mimic2
Leaf of a Les2-N845A/+ mutant plant showing small round white lesions resembling fungal infection on "hypersensitive resistant" lines ; enhansed expression of many lesions in Mo20W background which carries genetic modifieres of lesion frequency.

Lesion mimic2
Leaves of two Les mutant plants. Top, Les2-N845A, extreme expression resulting from favorable modifiers and conditions. Bottom, Les1-N843, standard expression showing differences in lesion characteristics.

Lesion mimic2
Lesion mimic; Les1 & Les2 comparison and interaction: Leaf of a Les1-N843/+, Les2-N845A/+ plant, grown under winter conditions in the greenhouse, showing large dark Les1 lesions with white centers and small round white necrotic Les2 lesions on the same leaf. It should be noted that the presence of Les2 delays and reduces expression of Les1 lesions, but not vice versa.
lesion_mimic2.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:20 by chris.bottoms