Lesion mimic2527*
Many small chlorotic and a few small white necrotic lesions on heterozygote cause the plant to appear pale green.

Lesion mimic2527*
Lesion mimic: A section of the eighth leaf of the original Les*-N2527/+ heterozygous mutant plant showing many tiny chlorotic lesions and a few small white necrotic lesions scattered randomly across the leaf surface.

Lesion mimic2527*
Lesion mimic: The 8th leaf of an immature Les*-M2527/+ heterozygous mutant plant showing many small chlorotic lesions.

Lesion mimic2527*
Lesion mimic: A homozygous Les*-N2527 M2 mutant plant showing extreme expression with many tiny chlorotic and necrotic lesions in all stages of development; some have watery green spots, some chlorotic, some white necrotic and some fusing together to form general leaf senescence.

Lesion mimic2527*
Lesion mimic: Eighth leaf of homozygous Les*-N2527 M2 plant showing tiny chlorotic and necrotic lesions.
lesion_mimic2527.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:20 by chris.bottoms