Lesion mimic4
Tiny chlorotic spots which appear at flowering that rapidly enlarge and spread to leaf senescence.

Lesion mimic4
Lesion mimic: Section of a Les4-N1375/+, mutant, 8th leaf, showing many small necrotic lesions with white centers, some in clusters.

Lesion mimic4
Lesion mimic: Eighth leaf of a Les4*-N1378/+ mutant plant, soon after flowering, (developmental stage 2) showing clusters of necrotic lesions, with indications of concentric grouping

Lesion mimic4
Lesion mimic: Eighth leaf of a heterozygous Les4-1375/+ mutant plant, at flowering, in M14/W23 background, showing lesions in various stages of development from tiny 2-6 cell brown watery initiation sites, to larger light tannish green pre-lesion spots, to early small lesions with dry light tan necrotic initiation site center and surrounding hallo of transition stages, to larger lesions with larger bleached out necrotic center, to large lesions with almost white dry necrotic centers surrounded by concentric rings of transition tissues which tend to bump into each other causing general leaf senescence. All of these events have taken place in a few days time beginning just before pollen shedding which is the time for initiation for this particular Les mutant.

Lesion mimic4
Lesion mimic: Eighth leaf of immature normal (top), heterozygous (middle) and homozygous (bottom) Les4*-N1378 plants, in Mo20W background, showing beginning of lesion formation in heterozygote and early onset with extreme lesion formation and senescence in homozygote

Lesion mimic4
Lesion mimic: Mid section of A Les4-N1375/+ mutant plant at flowering, in M14/W23 background, showing striking dark brown lesions on leaf sheath but not on ear. Lesions first appear just before flowering, enlarge and spread rapidly over whole plant in a few days causing quick plant senescence.

Lesion mimic4
Lesion mimic: Eighth leaf of two sib Les4-N1375 mutant plants in Mo20W/(M14/W23) vigorous background; taken 2 days before pollen shedding; homozygote (on left) and heterozygote (on right), showing extreme lesion formation and early expression in homozygote.
lesion_mimic4.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:20 by chris.bottoms