Mutator of R1-m
Activating element of the Mr R1-m transposon system

Mutator of R1-m
transposable factor, regulates R1-m mutation: Ear from the cross Mr1 Mr1, r1'-s r1'-s x mr1, r1-g, showing colorless r1'-s/r1-g kernels and a sector of 4 kernels that are mosaic (revertant to R1-m).

Mutator of R1-m
transposable factor, regulates R1-m mutation: Ear from the cross of Mr1 Mr1, R1-m/R1' (stable mutant) x mr1, r1-g showing stability (solid color) of R1' allele in the presence of Mr1 as compared to the instability of the alternative R1-m allele.

Mutator of R1-m
transposable factor, regulates R1-m mutation: Ear from the cross R1-m/r1, Sh1-Mr-Wx1/sh1-mr-wx1 X r1; sh1-mr-wx1; has colored kernels (R1-m, mr), mosaic kernels (R1-m, Mr) and colorless kernels (r1 r1 r1) demonstrating Sh1-Mr linkage. Pr1, pr1(red aleurone) segregation can also be seen.
mutator_of_r1_m.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:20 by chris.bottoms