Pale green-Yellow green bleached
Short pale green plant with bright yellow green bleached patches and lesions on leaf blade

Pale green-Yellow green bleached
Palegreen bleached: Original pale green, PgBlh*-N2550/+ heterozygous mutant plant showing bright yellowish green chlorotic patches and lesions on all leaves. Older leaves have necrotic streaks and some anthocyanin accumulation.

Pale green-Yellow green bleached
Palegreen bleached; background modifiers: A pale green PgBlh*-N2550/+ heterozygous mutant plant from the outcross original mutant plant on A632/Mo17 showing sickly pale green color with chlorotic lesions just beginning to develop on upper leaves.
pale_green_yellow_green_bleached.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:20 by chris.bottoms