paramutation; R1
Certain alleles (R-st and R-mb), when in a heterozygote with standard R1, cause R1 to change regularly to a weaker aleurone color form designated R1'

paramutation; R1
Paramutation at the R1 locus: (Brink 1968). Phenomenon through which certain alleles (R-st and R-mb), when in a heterozygote with standard R1, cause R1 to change regularly to a weaker aleurone color form designated R1'. Ears are from the cross of a heavy mottled r1 r1 female by (1) R1 R-st, (2) R1 R-st nonparamutagenic, (3) R1 R-st paramutagenic. Note that the r1 r1 R1 kernels appear colorless on the right ear while they are heavily colored on the other ears.
paramutation_r1.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:20 by chris.bottoms