red color
red (or purple) colored aleurone with separable gene components regulating anthocyanin pigments in kernel (S) and plant (P) tissues

red color
R1-r allele; purple aleurone: Selfed R1-r/r ear segregating for solid color (RRR or RRr), mottled color (Rrr) and colorless (rrr)kernels. This allele is characterized as having a mottled phenotype with one dose of R in the 3N aleurone. It was labeled -r because it also has the plant color component. The purple kernels have a greenish cast because of the underlying yellow endosperm.

red color
R1-scm allele , purple color in aleurone: Selfed R1-scm/r ear segregating for solid color (RRR or RRr), dilute color (Rrr) and colorless (rrr)kernels. This allele is characterized as having a uniform diluted colored phenotype with one dose of R in the 3N aleurone. It was labeled -scm because it also has a very strong plant color component uniquely seen in the scutellum of the embryo.

red color
R1-scm allele: purple leaves: A homozygous R1-scm juvenile plant grown under cool conditions showing strong purple pigment on all but newly emerged leaf blade tissue. This allele has unique extreme color activity for both seed and plant color components.

red color
R1-nj allele; purple color in aleurone: Ear from the cross R1-nj/r1 x r1r1 showing segregation for colorless kernels each with a prominent purple "Navajo" spot on its crown and colorless normal kernels.

red color
R1-st allele , purple color in aleurone: Ear from the cross R1-st/r1 x r1 r1 segregating for colorless kernels with many tiny to medium clonally regulated colored dots and sectors suggesting activity of an autonomous transposon at the R1 locus and colorless kernels.

red color
R1-mb allele; purple and red color in aleurone: Ear from the cross R1-mb/r1 x r1 r1 segregating for a unique pattern of colored and colorless aleurone tissue regulated in an unusual clonal fashion and for colorous kernels.

red color
R1-m allele; aleurone color component, Mr transposon system: Ear from the cross R1-m/r1, Sh1-Mr-Wx1/sh1-mr-wx1 X r1; sh1-mr-wx1, has colored kernels (R1-m, mr), mosaic kernels (R1-m, Mr) and colorless kernels (r1 r1 r1). Sh1-Mr linkage and Pr1 pr1 segregation can also be seen.

red color
red/purple aleurone allele; multi-gene interaction: Selfed ear segregating for multiple aleurone and endosperm genes: pr1 (red/purple), R1 (solid anthocyanin/mottled/colorless), su1 (sugary/normal), y1 (white/yellow endosperm), sh1 (shrunken/normal kernel), and wx1 (waxy/normal), in an intense, in1, purple popcorn background. A demonstration of gene dosage, gene interaction, independent assortment, and linkage; phenotypes of seven genes clearly displayed all on one ear!
red_color.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:20 by chris.bottoms