Intermediate between normal and dwarf.
MaizeGDB reference

Semi-dwarf: A Short Sdw*-N987B/+ heterozygous mutant plant showing short stiff leaves and progressive less shortening of all but the last 4 internodes; tassel restricted with tassel seed branches. Homozygote is typically dwarf.

semi-dwarf: Short dark green, sdw*-N2252, F2 mutant seedlings showing lighter green streaks and ridges. Internodes elongate to semi-dwarf stature as plant matures. Note strong purple color along ridges

semi-dwarf: A short dark green, sdw*-N2252, F2 mutant plant showing longitudinally wrinkled leaves and partially shortened internodes

Heterozygous Sdw*-AN2607/+ mutant plant showing 1/2 normal height, shortened normal width leaves and normal color.

Homozygous Sdw*-SN2607 mutant plant showing shortened internodes and normal width leaves with normal color. Shorter than heterozygote with same general proportions.

semi-dwarf: A short narrow stiff leaf sdw*-N2363B, mutant plant showing reduced tassel branching with abundant anthers, apparently not andromonoecious. Leaves and tassel branches progressively diminished towards tip of tassel.

Original Sdw*-N2645/+ heterozygous chimeric mutant plant showing 2 bends in stalk caused by semidwarf chimera on one side of plant which grows slower than normal. Outcross progeny segregated for typical Semi-dwarf plants.
semidwarf.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:20 by chris.bottoms