Shredded leaf
Vein tissue on leaf blade becomes yellow green, chlorotic, then necrotic and at flowering falls apart to produce a shredded leaf held together by alternate intact veins attached at leaf base and tip.
MaizeGDB reference

Shredded leaf
Leaf of Shr*-N2483 mutant plant showing white necrotic longitudinal stripes along leaf veins; necrotic tissue falls apart like an open zipper closed at the ends producing shredded appearance of the leaf

Shredded leaf
Upper leaves of Shr*-N2477/+ heterozygous mutant M1 origin plant, showing pale green necrotic tissue surrounding alternate veins which eventually will deteriorate and fall apart producing a shredded leaf held together only by old intact vein fibers at the leaf base and tip,

Shredded leaf
Immature Shr*-N2477/+ heterozygous mutant M1 origin plant, showing leaves falling apart as a consequence of necrosis of tissue along alternate veins

Shredded leaf
: Leaf of Shr*-N2483 mutant plant showing white necrotic longitudinal stripes along leaf veins; necrotic tissue falls apart like an open zipper closed at the ends producing shredded appearance of the leaf
shredded_leaf.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:20 by chris.bottoms