Wrinkled transluscent kernel with slightly less than normal size and vigor.
MaizeGDB reference

sugary kernel: Selfed M2 origin ear segregating for su1-N959 mutant kernels and c1, r1 with typical mottling and for a tiny defective kernel mutant as well. The su mutant kernels produce a small pale green seedling like the reference su1 allele.

sugary kernel; multi-gene interaction: Selfed ear segregating for multiple aleurone and endosperm genes: pr1 (red/purple), R1 (solid anthocyanin/mottled/colorless), su1 (sugary/normal), y1 (white/yellow endosperm), sh1 (shrunken/normal kernel), and wx1 (waxy/normal), in an intense, in1, purple popcorn background. A demonstration of gene dosage, gene interaction, independent assortment, and linkage; phenotypes of seven genes clearly displayed all on one ear!

Selfed colorless M2 origin ear segregating for su*-N86, sugary mutant kernels. Ear also segregating for o1 and o2, showing mutant interaction to also produce sh1 and sh2-like kernels.

sugary endosperm: selfed ear segregating for su1 and homozygous y1 (white). Endosperm wrinkled and translucent when dry; sweet at milk stage. Mature kernel collapsed, angular, often translucent and brittle
sugary.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:21 by chris.bottoms