white tip
First two leaves white tipped on emergence, succeeding leaves green under normal or warm conditions; under prolonged cool conditions leaves turn light green like albescent.

white tip
First two leaves of a wt1-N136A, (wt*-N136A), M2 mutant (left) and a normal seedlings showing characteristic white tips of leaves that emerged during cool soil temperature conditions. If temperatures remain cool maturing plants have mostly white leaves and surprisingly vigorous growth (see wt1 --image). Under variable conditions greening is mostly distributed in a longitudinal blending fashion.

white tip
A half grown wt1-N136A, white tip mutant plant growing under cool weather conditions showing bleaching of leaf tissue on the basal third of upper leaves. Resmbles albescent

white tip
A mature wt1-N136A, mutant plant showing bleaching of basal and midsection of most leaves. Under variable temperature conditions greening is mostly distributed in a longitudinal blending fashion. Resembles albescent.
white_tip.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:21 by chris.bottoms