anther ear; indeterminate
Andromonoecious intermediate dwarf, reduced tassel branching, tassel anthers with short filaments fail to emerge; structurally normal anthers grow from ear florets. See an1-id- N2286A for a compound allele with short internodes slow indeterminate growth habit that eventually becomes taller than normal sib in long day habitat

anther ear; indeterminate
anther ear; indeterminate plant: Two unfertilized ears with husks and silks removed, showing prolific anther formation in all the female florets of the ear (bottom)of a homozygous an1 mutant plant.

anther ear; indeterminate
anther ear; indeterminate plant: tassel: Tassel of an an1 mutant plant showing intermediate stature; few thickened tassel branches; anthers fail to emerge due to short filaments.

anther ear; indeterminate
anther ear: Late maturing: A homozygous an1-id-N2286A EMS induced mutant plant which began as a dwarf seedling but continued to grow slowly with shortened internodes. Photo of the allele idd1-N2286A (which is id1 with associated an1 dwarfing), growing in a normal field 100 days after planting.
anther_ear_indeterminate.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:18 by chris.bottoms