Purple or red anthocyanin pigments in aleurone of kernel, seedling and plant parts depending on modifying genes and red pigment in pericarp with P-r.
MaizeGDB reference

Layer of maternal pericarp color over filial aleurone purple and colorless kernels with different A1 alleles: (left)A1-rb/a1 (red-brown pericarp); (middle)A1-br/a1 (brown pericarp); and (right)A1-r/a1 (red pericarp)

kernel. The aleurone color of three ears segregating A1 a1 (upper ear) purple and colorless; a1-p a1, Dt1 dt1 (middle) pale purple and colorless both with dots; and A1 a1-pm(lower) purple and pale purple with dots.

kernel and pericarp. Three ears segregating for purple or red color (A1) vs. colorless aleurone (a1/a1) on ears, respectively (top to bottom), with colorless pericarp (p1/p1); brown pericarp (with P1-rr/- and the A1-b allele); and red pericarp (P1-rr) with the common A1 allele.
anthocyanin.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:18 by chris.bottoms