anthocyanin deletion
X-ray induced loss of small 3L chromosome segment carrying A1 Sh2 normal albino and lethal alleles whose recessive null phenotypes are expressed under these special conditions.

anthocyanin deletion
chromosome segment carrying A1 Sh2 normal albino and lethal alleles whose recessive null phenotypes are expressed at the loss of a covering ring chromosome carrying the respective dominant allele of these loci. Photo of an ear from, the cross of a1-p Sh2/a1-x3 (a viable heterozygote), X a1-x3/a1-x3/Ring A-b (viable homozygous deficiency because it is covered by the A1-b ring that carries the normal alleles of the lost loci) showing colored kernels with colorless shrunken sectors, colored kernels with pale nonshrunken sectors (loss of ring A1-b) with the a1-x3 and and a1-p female contribution.

anthocyanin deletion
chromosome segment carrying A1 Sh2 normal albino and lethal alleles whose recessive null phenotypes are expressed at the loss of a covering ring chromosome carrying the respective dominant allele of these loci. Photo of an an, a1-x1/a1-x1/Ring A1-b plant near flowering showing albino, chimeras, indicating ring loss.

anthocyanin deletion
a-x1 def/Ring A1-b; Ear from the cross a1-p/a1-x1 X a1-x1/a1-x1/Ring A-b ear showing colorless shrunken sectors indicating loss of ring-carrying A1-b and Sh2.
anthocyanin_deletion.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms