colorless kernel and green plant (brown in presence of B and PL). Dots of anthocyanin on aleurone and sectors of purple on leaves and other plant parts B and Pl present; in response to Dt (regulator of the am-Dt transposon system).

anthocyaninless; a1-m:Cache allele; Dt: Selfed a1-m:Cache/a1-s, Dt1 Dt1 ear segregating for 3, 2, and 1 dose a1-m dotting in the 3N aleurone and 0 dose colorless non-dotted kernels. Dots of anthocyanin on aleurone and sectors of purple on leaves and other plant parts with B and Pl present; in response to Dt (regulator of the am-Dt transposon system).

Section of an a1-m dt ear crossed by a1-m dt pollen treated with EMS showing normal colorless kernels and one exceptional kernel with a sector of purple dots.
anthocyaninless_dt.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/22 16:17 by chris.bottoms