No anthocyanin; colorless aleurone, green (brown with B PL) plant, colorless (brown with P-rr) pericarp.

leaf sheath. A brown a1a1 mutant plant with the anthocyanin genes B1, Pl1. (edit note: correct color on image, brown not yellow)

Selfed ear segregating for aleurone color alleles, A1/a1 and shrunken sh2, showing tight linkage for shrunken and anthocyaninless mutant a1.

A brown a2 a2 plant with B1, Pl1 showing a brown sheath as compared to purple A2 B1 Pl1 plant in background. Brown mutant tissue tends to deteriorate before maturity.

a1-m allele: Selfed A1/a1-m, homozygous Dt1 ear, with aleurone color segregating for colorless a1 and red pr1 kernels showing dots of purple or red on all of the colorless kernels.
anthocyaninless.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms