collapsed dent
collapsed floury colorless kernel; normal seedling

collapsed dent
Selfed F2 cpdnt*-N863A ear that was discarded, then found by a squirrel who removed all the normal kernels and left mutant kernels intact. "natural selection". Mutant kernels have tiny but otherwise complete embryo which cannot germinate because the endosperm is an empty sack which collapses in from the top and has no storage energy to feed the embryo. See B-A Chromosome crosses

collapsed dent
Top: selfed yellow flint ear segregating for cpdnt*-N863A translucent collapsed mutant kernels with tiny complete embryos and collapsed empty endosperm sack. Bottom: ear from the cross of +/cpdnt*-N863A x TB-5La, showing large dented floury hypoploid mutant endosperms, indicating location on chromosome 5L. These large hypoploid mutant endosperms over hyperploid normal embryos can be seen as having been fed by them and are plump but mutant. The normal appearing non mutant hyperploid endosperms over hypoploid mutant embryos, when planted, germinate very well and produce smaller but essentially normal green mutant plants.
collapsed_dent.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms