collapsed flat
collapsed flat nonviable kernel

collapsed flat
A selfed cp*-N1379A/+ mutant colored ACR ear segregating for thin collapsed mutant kernel consisting of an essentially empty shell with both endosperm and embryo missing; also for colorless c1 or r1

collapsed flat
Cross-section of 5 mature kernels, from left to right: 1) normal kernel; 2) thin collapsed mutant kernel with no endosperm or embryo; both from a selfed +/cpfl*-N1379A heterozygote; 3) a collapsed hypoploid mutant endosperm (empty) with normal embryo; 4) a normal embryo and endosperm; 5) a normal-appearing hyperploid endosperm with mutant hypoploid embryo; the last three from a +/cpfl*-N1379A ear crossed by pollen carrying a B-A chromosome translocation with a non-mutant allele on the translocated arm.

collapsed flat
Selfed immature (21 days) ear segregating for cpfl*-N1421, small translucent mutant kernel consisting mostly of fluid filled maternal pericarp tissue. Fertilization apparently stimulated kernel formation but fertilized mutant endosperm and embryo nucleii were non functional.

collapsed flat
Selfed colorless flinty M2 origin ear segregating for cpfl*-N1421, small extreme shrunken mutant kernels. Nearly empty maternal pericarp tissue.
collapsed_flat.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms