colorless aleurone
colorless aleurone; no anthocyanin pigment; c1 as allele of C1. Also r1 allele at the R1 locus.
MaizeGDB reference

colorless aleurone
Selfed colored AC r1-1630/R1, mutant origin M2 ear segregating for colored normal (RRR, RRr) light mottled (Rrr) kernels and colorless (rrr) kernels. The mottling reflects the phenotype of one dose of the standard R1 allele, in the three N aleurone layer. The B1:Peru allele produces colored aleurone as a duplicate factor with the R1 allele

colorless aleurone
Selfed colored AR c1-1625/C1 mutant origin M2 ear segregating for colored normal kernel (CCC & CCc aleurone), dilute colored(Ccc), and colorless (ccc) kernels; typical c1 allele. Note apparent larger size of the homozygous (ccc) colorless kernels.
colorless_aleurone.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/03 16:41 by chris.bottoms