Colorless Floury Defective; Cbreaker Clf1; (Ds-1S2-Clf1)
Chromosome breakage Loss(due to Ds) of Clf1 in heterozygous kernel (loss of purple aleurone) and in F1 leaf; defective albino phenotype in sectors; distal pattern?

Colorless Floury Defective; Cbreaker Clf1; (Ds-1S2-Clf1)
Section of a fully colored M1 ear from the cross of Dek1/dek1 x Ac Dek1/- Dek1, Ds-10L2 R1-sc/Ds-10L2 R1-sc from an open-pollinated detasseled plot, showing two mosaic kernels (near center of ear) among the fully purple normal sibs. The bottom kernel had a normal-appearing embryo and subsequent plant, and was not analyzed further. The top kernel (see enlargement in Image 2 below), designated as Ds-1S2, proved to have a correspondingly affected embryo.

Colorless Floury Defective; Cbreaker Clf1; (Ds-1S2-Clf1)
colorless floury defective; colorless kernel sector: Original kernel from M1 ear. This kernel shows two large attached colorless areas and many smaller sectors of varying size. The lace-like appearance of the colored areas represent repeated later loss of Clf1 in a manner typical of distal location of Ds. REVERSE ORDER OF THIS AND LAST 2 IMAGES!

Colorless Floury Defective; Cbreaker Clf1; (Ds-1S2-Clf1)
colorless floury defective; defective albino sector: Top leaf surface of the Ds-1S2 plant grown from the original mosaic kernel. The surface shows small long narrow sectors of indented tissue. Some larger sectors (lower left) are white, indicating the absence of chlorophyll. This shows that an additional phenotype of clf1 is white albino.

Colorless Floury Defective; Cbreaker Clf1; (Ds-1S2-Clf1)
colorless floury defective; defective albino sector: The underneath surface of the same leaf section as above, showing that the sectors which are indented on the top, protrude on the undersurface. This conforms to and confirms an aberrant morphology phenotype. The larger sectors (lower right) are also white, indicating an additional white albino phenotype.
colorless_floury_defective_cbreaker_clf1_ds_1s2_clf1.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms