Collapsed crown floury kernel.

crumpled kernel: Two crp*-N2207/+ ears; (1)+/crp x +/TB-2S-3L (top) and (2) xTB-3L (bottom); crp endosperms on both indicate 3L location and show color mottling on some of the hypoploid mutant endosperms of both. Interferes with the expression of anthocyanin in kernel to produce some mottled type kernels. appears as a combination of the characteristic of both sh2 and su1.

crumpled kernel: Selfed ACR origin M2 ear, segregating for crp*-N2207 mutant kernels showing a crumpled shape, floury texture and failure to develop colored aleurone in most cases; some are weakly mottled with brownish anthocyanin pigment.

crumpled crown floury kernel: Selfed colorless flinty M1 ear segregating for crp*-N1365 large floury mutant kernels with collapsed crown; non-viable embryo-no leaf primordia.

pro1-N1533 (crp*-N1533) cultured immature pro1 embryos on basal medium; fail to respond. Single seedling on right was non-corresponding normal embryo on mutant kernel; grew normally.
crumpled.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms