crumpled floury; proline responsive
Crumpled floury opaque kernel; small greenstripe seedling; proline response

crumpled floury; proline responsive
crumpled floury, proline; green stripe seedling: hypoploid complementary feeding; hemizygous pro1 hypoploid seedling, from the cross +/pro1 x pro1/TB-8Lc showing early complementary feeding effect of normal hyperploid endosperm. Seedling shows good vigor but still has green striped phenotype and vigor Quickly diminished as soon as endosperm support was exhausted.

crumpled floury; proline responsive
crumpled floury; proline response: Excised embryos of pro1 mutant kernels grown on agar media containing 1 micromole proline(red cap), no proline (blue cap), 3 mN proline, (right red cap), showing response to proline feeding.

crumpled floury; proline responsive
crumpled floury, proline, defective seedling: Homozygous proline seedling from the cross of +/pro1 x pro1/TB-8Lc, showing typical pale green midvein stripes and reduced growth of homozygous mutant seedling grown from a kernel with a mutant endosperm; no endosperm feeding.
crumpled_floury_proline_responsive.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms