Ds-Cbreaker Bz2; (Ds-1L2-bz2-m)
Suppression of Bz2 function and Chromosome breakage Loss of Bz2 phenotype (purple aleurone)in F1.

Ds-Cbreaker Bz2; (Ds-1L2-bz2-m)
Ear from the cross of Bz2/an-6923 R1 R1 x Ac, Bz2, Ds-10L2 R1-sc/Ds-10L2 R1-sc with full purple normal kernels and two clear purple and bronze mosaic kernels, the top one of which (bz2m) has a large bronze area and areas with chains of purple dots and isolated purple recovery spots. This case was confirmed by progeny tests, proving it to be a legitimate breaking Ds with suppressing properties at the Bz2 locus, and was designated as Ds-1L2 bz2m. The lower kernel (Bz2 bz2) was found to have a normal embryo and was not tested further.

Ds-Cbreaker Bz2; (Ds-1L2-bz2-m)
Ear from the cross of bz2-s bz2-m/bz2-s x Ac, Bz2 Ds-1L2/bz2-s with one-fifth purple and bronze mosaic kernels and four-fifths bronze kernels. The mosaic kernels have large bronze areas representing losses of Bz and chains of dots, isolated single dark Bz recovery spots, and also some large colored areas with occasional apparent loss of Bz function. Note kernels showing (1) Bz revertant sectors; (2) patches of dots and chains of dots; and (3) large bz sectors which are stable losses of Bz either by excision or by stable silencing of the Bz locus. Substantiation of this interpretation comes from the fact that offspring from these seeds include stable revertant Bz2 alleles; various sized sectorial losses of Bz; and bz kernels with purple dots where Ac is present and stable bz where Ac is absent. Therefore the most likely location for Ds is at the Bz2 locus. Proof of chromosome breaking and exact location will need further tests.
ds_cbreaker_bz2_ds_1l2_bz2_m.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms