
Ds-Cbreaker Bz2; (Ds-1L6-bz2-m) Suppression of Bz2 function and Chromosome breakage Loss of Bz2 phenotype (purple aleurone)in F1.

Ds-Cbreaker Bz2; (Ds-1L6-bz2-m) ear from the cross of bz2-s/bz2-s x Ac, Bz2 Ds-1L6 bz2-m/bz2-s with one-half purple and bronze mosaic kernels and one-half bronze kernels. The mosaic kernels have large bronze areas representing losses of Bz and chains of dots, and isolated single dark Bz recovery spots, and also some large colored areas with occasional apparent loss of Bz function. In this case, some of the revertant sectors are pale in color and have smaller dark full-colored dots within their borders (see kernel in middle and one on far left). This indicates that Ds-1L6 has the property of producing intermediate alleles of the Bz locus, like Ds-1L3 this probably has Ds activity at the Bz2 locus.

ds_cbreaker_bz2_ds_1l6_bz2_m.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms