Ds-Cbreaker Cif1; (Clf-Ds-1S4), Ac
Chromosome breakage Loss(due to Ds) of Clf1 in heterozygous kernel (loss of purple aleurone) and in F1 leaf; defective albino phenotype in sectors; proximal pattern.

Ds-Cbreaker Cif1; (Clf-Ds-1S4), Ac
colorless floury defective; colorless kernel sector: Ds-1S4 original kernel. Section of a fully colored M1 ear from the cross of Clf1/ clf1 r1 r1 x Ac Clf1/- Clf1, Ds-10L2 R1-sc/Ds-10L2 R1-sc from an open-pollinated detasseled plot, showing a single kernel with a large colorless chimera covering three-fourths of the kernel surface, and a smaller colored area with irregular outline and colored surface. Note that the colorless chimera is floury and bordered by a narrow band of flinty tissue between it and the colored tissue. This is a clear indication of a lack of cell autonomy for the Clf1 phenotype. Also note cases of pitted kernels indicating Ac Ds activity at an unknown locus, related to the parental stocks used. Photo, 39:331-30xPS

Ds-Cbreaker Cif1; (Clf-Ds-1S4), Ac
A selfed ear of Ac Clf1 Ds-1S4/- clf plant showing 3 to 1 segregation for intensely purple kernels, including many with large colorless patches and lacy-like colored areas, and for colorless floury partially collapsed dek1 kernels. The frequency of the colorless clf1 kernels appears to be reduced, but this is only the consequence of the fact that some of the colorless floury kernels are collapsed and defective and are not always seen on the photograph.

Ds-Cbreaker Cif1; (Clf-Ds-1S4), Ac
Enlargement of kernels from the selfed ear showing Ac Clf1 Ds/- clf1/dek (middle 2 kernels in top row) and Ac Clf1 Ds/Ac Clf1 Ds/clf1 (dark kernel in lower row). The middle two kernels in the top row show large colorless patches with chains of dots and isolated islands of intensely colored tissue. The bottom dark kernel shows mostly colored tissue interspersed with small lighter patches from overlapping events with a double dose of Clf1 Ds-1S4.

Ds-Cbreaker Cif1; (Clf-Ds-1S4), Ac
Kernel enlargement. Note that some of the colored areas have succeeding small colorless spots (loss of Clf1) and some do not

Ds-Cbreaker Cif1; (Clf-Ds-1S4), Ac
Kernels from an Ac Clf1 Ds/clf1/clf1 ear showing good examples of the behavior of acentric fragments in the cell lineages of the aleurone.

Ds-Cbreaker Cif1; (Clf-Ds-1S4), Ac
Enlargement of the far right-hand kernel in ear below. The kernel is Ac Clf1 Ds/clf1/clf1 showing good examples of the behavior of acentric fragments in the cell lineages of the aleurone. Note the islands and chains of recovery spots, including one example (lower left) where the surviving fragment was carried along and maintained very well, producing a large thumb-like area of intensely pigmented tissue. Nearby are several small islands that represent lineages or replication of the acentric fragments that did not keep up with cell division, thus producing lineages from daughter cells that did not always retain a functional Dek1. To the right are patches of colored tissue with colorless loss areas within their borders, suggestive of fully functional lineages with periodic losses because an active Ds and Clf1 gene were on a chromosome arm still attached to the centromere.

Ds-Cbreaker Cif1; (Clf-Ds-1S4), Ac
Section of the top surface of the 8th leaf of a normal sib (left) and the Ac Clf1 Ds-1S4/- clf1 original plant (right) showing the consequences of the Ac Ds induced losses in heterozygous leaf tissue. No white streaks are apparent on the top, but the cell lineages are defective and did not survive well, producing the rough appearance on the top of the leaf. This is because the surviving cells grow into the empty spaces left by the dead cells. This is a unique characteristic of Ds-1S4 as opposed to the other Ds-1S mutants. It is not known why the cells did not survive. Normally albino cells survive because surrounding cells will feed them and keep them alive. Perhaps some other gene is being lost besides Clf1. The segment lost must have had something vital to the development of leaf tissue. The Ds leaf has a wrinkled bumpy surface, darker in color, less reflective surface and irregular elongated indentations, only a few of which may be white, as compared to the smooth bright green surface of the normal leaf.

Ds-Cbreaker Cif1; (Clf-Ds-1S4), Ac
Section of the underneath surfaces of the leaves described in image 8 above, showing the 8th leaf of a normal sib (left) and the Ac Clf1 Ds-1S4/- clf1 original plant (right). The ladder-like appearance of the vein network on the undersurface of the leaf is an effect produced by the wrinkles protruding on the underneath where they are indented on the top surface.
ds_cbreaker_cif1_clf_ds_1s4_ac.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms