Ds-Cbreaker C2; (Ds-4L6-C2), Ac
frequent loss of C2 color in pale Ccc and dilute CCc aleurone heterozygous kernels display twin color/colorless spots; distal location

Ds-Cbreaker C2; (Ds-4L6-C2), Ac
Enlarged kernels from a selfed ear of an Ac/- Ds-4L6-C2/c2 plant showing a mosaic kernel with a dilute purple background with many colorless patches of various sizes and shapes, and their association with smaller intense colored twin spots (upper middle of middle kernel). The presence of colorless and intense twin spots and the appearance of frequent late (small spots) events indicates that this is distal to the C2 locus. Note pericarp sectors, indicating that an active Ac is present.

Ds-Cbreaker C2; (Ds-4L6-C2), Ac
The selfed ear of an Ac/-, C2 Ds-4L6/c2 plant showing several unique phenotypes expressed by different combinations and dosage of Ac, C2, and Ds in the 3N endosperm and 2N maternal pericarp. The dilute kernels are C Ds/c/c, most of which have Ac, and are mosaic for colorless (C Ds/-/-, Ac/-) and show distinct small dark dots (C Ds C Ds/c/c twin spots) and a few intense dots (C Ds C Ds/C Ds C Ds/c/c, second cycle twin spots). The intermediate colored kernels (C Ds/C Ds/c), which have Ac, are dilute, mosaic and have coincidental colorless spots and intense (C Ds C Ds/C Ds C Ds/c) twin spots. The dark colored kernels which have Ac are dark with lighter small dots and occasional colorless dots from coincidental loss of all three C alleles. The other kernels, lacking Ac or with 3 doses of Ac, are simply dilute, intermediate, and full-colored. The colorless kernels are c/c/c with all combinations of Ac. The whole ear is covered by the same 2N maternal pericarp, as shown by the long red reversion streaks from the P-v allele where unstable Ac resides. These results prove that Ds in this case is on the distal side of the c2 locus from the centromere.
ds_cbreaker_c2_ds_4l6_c2_ac.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms