elongate chromosome
Crossed ear with plump and collapsed kernels. Cytological observation of chromosomes uncoiled during meiotic metaphase and anaphase in male and female gametophyte; frequent unreduced gametes.

elongate chromosome
chromosomes uncoiled during meiotic metaphase and anaphase in male and female; frequent unreduced gametes. Photo: ear from the cross of an el/el plant by tetraploid pollen has plump (6N) or shriveled (4N) kernels.

elongate chromosome
NORMAL for comparison with el1, microphoto of pollen mother cells in normal anaphase I (photo courtesy M. Rhoades and E. Dempsey)

elongate chromosome
Microphoto: pollen mother cells of an el/el plant in anaphase I (photo courtesy M. Rhoades and E. Dempsey)

elongate chromosome
NORMAL anaphase chromosmes for comparison with el1, a microphoto of pollen mother cells of normal anaphase II (photo courtesy M. Rhoades and E. Dempsey).

elongate chromosome
Microphoto: pollen mother cells of an el/el plant in anaphase II (photo courtesy M. Rhoades and E. Dempsey).
elongate_chromosome.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms