grainy crossband
grainy palegreen diurnal crossbands

grainy crossband
Leaf of mature cb*-N497B mutant plant, showing clear light green grainy diurnal crossbands consisiting of tiny chlorotic spots.

Grainy crossband
Leaf of a Cb*-N1456/+ heterozygous mutant plant, showing lighter grainy diurnal-type crossbands (original M1 plant)

Grainy crossband
Leaf of immature Cb*-N1456/+ heterozygous mutant plant, showing grainy yellow green diurnal crossbands. Note that graininess consists of tiny yellow green spots that blend in frequency into the normal green section of the crossband.

Grainy crossband
Immature Cb*-N1456/+ heterozygous mutant plant, showing grainy-type pale green diurnal crossbands, especially on lower leaves
grainy_crossband.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms