Grainy Narrow leaf
Narrow leaf bleached grainy pale green areas on both sides of midrib

Grainy Narrow leaf
Section of the 8th leaf of the original GrNl*-N2528/+ chimeric plant showing a sector of grainy pale green tissue consisting of tiny light green spots that become necrotic, on the lower leaf blade.

Grainy Narrow leaf
Progeny of the outcross of GrNl*-N2528/+ on A632 segregating for grainy narrow leaf margins showing strong expression on lower leaves and nearly normal top leaves of mutant plant. Probably resulting from progressively warmer later season suppressing mutant phenotype.

Grainy Narrow leaf
Close-up of previous image showing pale green grainy leaf margins and normal green midrib tissue, typical of GrNl*-N2528.
grainy_narrow_leaf.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms