
high chlorophyll fluorescence green seedling turns yellow green and dies. Fluoresces bright red under ultraviolet light with a red filter.
MaizeGDB reference

high chlorophyll fluorescence F2 seedling progeny segregating for hcf31-N1268B mutant seedlings, showing bleaching and progressive necrosis of first two seedling leaves. Also fluoresces bright red under ultraviolet light with a red filter. See hcf3 image.

high chlorophyll fluorescence F2 seedling progeny segregating for hcf3-N846B, Photo taken under ultraviolet light with a red filter showing mutant seedling with reddish color. TRY COLOR CORRECTING PHOTO!

high chlorophyll fluorescence Pale green hcf26 N1263C mutant seedling showing dark green normal sector on all three leaves. Also fluoresces bright red under ultraviolet light with a red filter. See hcf3 image.

high_chlorophyll_fluorescence.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms