indeterminate flowering semi dwarf
Indeterminate structure and flower timing and dwarfing phenotypes depending on response to daylength. Mutants have occurred that express some combimation of several different phenotypes: (1) semi dwarf plant, (2) anthers in the ear (andromonoecious), (3) short day flowering, (4) indeterminate tassel with leaves rootlets florets and tassel branches expressed in the tassel suggesting several tightly linked genes changed by single mutational event. see an1 bz2 id1 idd & sdw.

indeterminate flowering semi dwarf
indeterminate dwarf: A Semi-dwarf indeterminate idd1-N2286A mutant plant, on left, expressing slow growth associated with the GA responding anther ear type dwarfing aspect of this mutant.

indeterminate flowering semi dwarf
indeterminate dwarf: A tall green idd1-2286A M2 mutant plant growing in a normal long day Missouri field 100 days after planting showing many short nodes (andromonoecious dwarf aspect) the bottom 18 of which are senescent and the top which are green and just beginning to develop floral parts. Indeterminate structure and flower timing and dwarfing phenotypes depending on response to daylength. With long days plant is intermediate vegetative dwarf, that continues to grow until taller than matured normal sibs. With short day the tassel node proliferates to produce multiple leaves rootlets and fertile tassel branches.

indeterminate flowering semi dwarf
Tassel and upper leaves of an idd*-N2286A indeterminate plant showing proliferation of leaves, fertile tassel branches and rootlets resulting from change to short day length

indeterminate flowering semi dwarf
indeterminate dwarf; Tassel: Tassel of an idd1-A0972 indeterminate F2 mutant plant that was brought to flowering by short daylength. Note shedding branches and spikelets with roots arising from the lower spikelets of the same tassel; requires extended growth season and short days for flowering; vegetatively totipotent with gt1 and pe1. (photo courtesy M.T. Chang).
indeterminate_flowering_semi_dwarf.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms