
spotted seedling spotted kernel small yellow kernel with dark brown spots; pale green seedling with dark green leaf spots.

spotted seedling spotted kernel spotted seedling: First leaf of a spt2-N1269A, pale green mutant seedling showing fuzzy dark green spots.

spotted seedling spotted kernel First leaves of three separate spt2-N1269A, mutant seedlings showing what appears to be green leaves with pale green spots (two seedlings on left ) and pale green leaf with dark green spots on right.

spotted seedling spotted kernel spotted seedling: Two independent mutants: spt2-N1269A & hcf34-1269C seedlings, pale green spotted mutant seedling on right and an unstable yellowgreen hcf34 on left. Both mutants occurred in the M1 plant from a single EMS treated pollen grain.

spotted_seedling_spotted_kernel.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:20 by chris.bottoms