virescent mutable
white seedling with clonal longitudinal green leaf stripes; leaf tips are yellow; greens slowly.

virescent mutable
First two leaves (right) of greenish white vm*-N1807 mutant seedling from an F2 progeny showing many longitudinal revertant green sectors; produced by insertion of a transposon of the bz2m/Ac Ds system into the as yet unlocated V site.

virescent mutable
Pale green vm*-N1809 seedling showing greening in pale green crossbands with tiny spots of darker green tissue and diurnal whitish crossbands; indicating that Ds is functioning at the V site and that the transposon activator (Ac) is present.

virescent mutable
First two leaves of three vm*-N1809 virescent mutant seedlings from a segregating F2 progeny showing variations in greening. From left to right, greening at tip, greening at first leaf and on margin of second leaf, and greening of first leaf and along veins of second leaf. These seedlings have no revertant sectors because the transposon (Ac) is missing.

virescent mutable
Two vm*-N1806 mutant seedlings from F2 progeny showing, on left, greenish white seedling with longitudinal green sectors(Ac present), and on right, stable (no Ac) greenish white seedling that is greening up on tip of first leaf. Ac Ds transposon (Ds present at the V*-1806 site) system.

virescent mutable
two vm*-N1886 mutant seedlings from a segregating F2 progeny showing greening in pale green streaks beginning at first leaf and normal green revertant sector beginning on second leaf and a white leaf margin on the first leaf of the middle seedling; resulting from presence ot transposon Ac.

virescent mutable
Leaf chimera with half pale green mutable, vm*-N1886, showing tiny darker streaks and a single almost white slender stripe and a large green half leaf normal sector revertant all due to action of transposon Ac.
virescent_mutable.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:21 by chris.bottoms