yellowish white seedling, greens rapidly; slowly at low temperature.
MaizeGDB reference

yellowish white, v1 (left) mutant seedling, greens rapidly; slowly at low temperature. Typically green first leaf, green top 1/3 second leaf and green tip of third leaf with each succeeding leaf appearing in the whorl as white or lighter green and darkening as is exposed to sunlight and probable higher. Mutant plants nearly normal green and slightly smaller than normal at maturity

pale yellowgreen, v2 (left) seedling which greens slowly; low temperature accentuates phenotype. Mature mutants are lighter green and smaller than normal.

Two pale green v25-N17, F2 mutant seedlings showing white tips with apparent uniform slow greening from base up which actually reflects cold temperature at emergence followed by much higher thereafter.

Three greenish white v21-N25 F2 mutant seedlings showing leaves with whitish mid sections and progressive greening from leaf tip and along leaf margins.

First two leaves of two, v27-413C mutant seedlings (left) from progeny of M2 origin ear showing variations in greening as streaks along the midveins

First two leaves of a yellowish white v*-N27 M2 mutant seedling showing progressive uniform greening of first and tip of the 2nd leaf.

First two leaves of a v29-N418, (v*-N418) M2 virescent mutant seedling(left) showing rapid greening in longitudinal grainy streaks.

First 2 leaves (right) of a pale green v*-N13 F2 mutant seedling showing progressive greening along leaf veins beginning with the first leaf.

Two grainy pale green v*-N19, F2 mutant seedlings showing greening in tiny darker green streaks distributed over leaf.

First 2 leaves (right)of a v*-N29 M2 mutant seedling showing streaked greening at tip and along middle of 1st leaf and along midrib of 2nd leaf.

Very pale green v28-697 (v*-N697) mutant seedlings from a segregating F2 progeny showing uniform faint slow greening. Mature plant is darker pale green

First two leaves (left) of pale green v*-41B M2 mutant seedling showing progressive greening in longitudinal green streaks from base up.

First two leaves (left) of a v*-N116 M2 virescent mutant seedling , showing slow greening in diurnal pattern of first leaf and in streaks from tip on second leaf

Nearly white v*-N165A mutant seedlings from a segregating F2 progeny showing slight greening of first leaf, especially at tip.

First two leaves (left) of v*-N517, virescent mutant seedling from progeny of M2 origin ear showing greening from base up and on leaf tip.

A four leaf V*-N2621/+ heterozygous mutant seedling from a cross on Mo17,A632/W23 showing a green base and white emerging leaves typical of virescent but dominant. Note damaged green tissue caused by field infestation of flea beetle.
virescent.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:21 by chris.bottoms