yellow stripe
Yellow tissue between leaf veins, like iron deficiency symptoms.

yellow stripe
yellow stripe leaf: Section of the eighth leaf of a A normal and a ys1 mutant plant showing yellow tissue between green leaf veins, resembling iron deficiency symptoms.

yellow stripe
yellow tissue between leaf veins, like iron deficiency symptoms. A yellow stripe ys3 mutant plant, with leaf of normal plant shown in background for contrast.

yellow stripe
First two leaves of yellow stripe, ys*-N30, M2 mutant seedling (right) showing yellowing of midvein tissue on second leaf and greening of first leaf. Resembles iron deficiency symptoms

yellow stripe
Three ys*-N139B, yellow stripe mutant plants showing yellowgreen midvein stripes. Resembles iron deficiency symptoms.

yellow stripe
A, ys*-N2261, yellow stripe mutant plant showing clear yellowish light green midvein tissue and green veins.

yellow stripe
A ys*-N2481 yellow stripe mutant plant showing yellowing of interveinal tissue in patches and diurnal crossbands; green along midrib
yellow_stripe.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:21 by chris.bottoms