colorless floury defective kernel
Small white floury defective kernel which fails to germinate; embryo round with root primordia only; aleurone missing; rescued leaf tissue is albino.
MaizeGDB reference

colorless floury defective kernel
Selfed colored ACR ear segregating for clf*-N792 (dek1) colorless floury defective mutant kernels.

colorless floury defective kernel
Selfed ear segregating for clf*-N792 (dek1) colorless (no aleurone layer) white floury defective mutant kernels; also segregating for r1 and c1 showing effect of mutant on flinty yellow endosperm

colorless floury defective kernel
Stained section of a 16-day, dek1-N-971 kernel, showing a round embryo with root but no leaf primordia (photo courtesy W. F. Sheridan).

colorless floury defective kernel
normal: Stained kernel cross-section of a normal embryo, for comparison. Photo courtesy W.F. Sheridan.
colorless_floury_defective_kernel.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:19 by chris.bottoms