Necrotic, watery tan seedling leaf with drops of brown exudate on leaf margin and tip.

A nec*-N193, F2 mutant seedling, showing tan colored necrosis advancing down each leaf, also with drop of dark brown exudate at the leaf tip. Under ideal conditions seedling grows to a moderately healthy green plant with many long white necrotic streaks and lesions. See surviving mature plant with white necrotic streaks.

watery tan: Mature leaf section of a surviving nec*-N193 M2 mutant plant showing longitudinal streaks of white dry necrotic tissue. Under ideal conditions seedling grows to a moderately healthy green plant with many long white necrotic streaks and lesions. See tan necrotic seedling.

Tightly rolled tan colored necrotic, nec1-N669, seedling that emerges with first 2 leaves tightly rolled, remains so; wilts and dies.

Two nec*-N200B F2 mutant seedlings showing brown necrotic crossbands on first and second leaves, causing leaf distortion and eventual lethality.

yellow green necrotic; chimera: 8th leaf of a mature necrotic nec4-N516B mutant plant showing speckled pale greenish tan necrotic tissue and a normal dark green sector. This plant survived because of sufficient normal tissue supporting the deficient mutant tissue.

Segregating progeny of nec2, bright olive green lethal necrotic and normal seedlings showing the beginning of brownish patches which eventually turn to lethal tan necrotic leaves.
necrotic.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/02 19:20 by chris.bottoms